Services :: Web Marketing Analytics
Insight into your website
"Today's Web analytics is a direct channel to the pulse of the Website visitor... a real-time look at visitor habits, preferences, impulses, and what it takes to make them customers and keep them as customers. In other words, Web analytics is 'visitor intelligence.' "
December 2006
Analytic Features
Web marketing analytics is the doorway into evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of your marketing campaign. It gives us the opportunity to measure and study the behavior of the visitors coming to your website. Through web analytics visitor behavior can be interpreted so that we can see what is working and what is not. Our Web Marketing Analytics is the backbone of our Organic Search Engine Optimization Services and Paid Search Marketing Services.
Visual Interface
See where visitors go, how long they stay and from which page they exit. Visitor data is displayed in context with your web site. Because the data is actually superimposed on your web site, you can easily see and understand visitor behavior. No more convoluted pie charts or confusing rows of numbers and percentages.
Understanding Visitor Behavior
Easily understand how visitors interact with your web site. Through a simple mechanism known as "visitor labeling," we can color-code visitors coming to your site from a organic search engine optimization campaign as well as a paid search marketing campaign (pay-per-click); visitors who found your site through a certain keyword; visitors who spent a very long or very short on your site; and much more. The flexible nature of our web analytics tool means that we can select and label visitors who meet criteria important to you.
Click Fraud Report
The Click Fraud report pinpoints pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns with statistically significant variances from other campaigns, whether they’re the result of click fraud or just a poorly–performing ad that’s eating up budget. Click Fraud detection works by comparing a variety of statistical measurements across all campaigns and can go back to in time to show where refunds from the pay-per-click provider may already be due. The Click Fraud report allows for the substantiation of suspicious campaign behavior by generating a report suitable for submission to the PPC provider.
Search Report
search keywords against cost and revenue generated. You can actually
see the return on the advertising spend by
a particular keyword/search engine combination. This analysis permits
easy comparison against all results, whether they be pay-per-click
(PPC) or organic search.
Campaign Management
Analyze and compare data from PPC or other campaigns on one screen. We can directly import your Google or Yahoo! Paid Search Marketing campaign data, or set up custom data from e-mail marketing, search engine, affiliate, partnership and even offline campaigns.
Integrated Keyword Ranking Data in Search Report
See the search engine ranking position for each keyword that brought visitor traffic to the site. Marketers can then compare the performance of those keywords in terms of number of visitors, time on site, cost, revenue and return on advertising spend. The report currently shows keyword search ranking for Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
Page-level Keywords
The Navigation report lets you view the keywords that lead to any given page
Custom ROA (Return on Advertising) Analysis
Do you have a custom shopping cart? Lead generation campaign? Sales, revenue, costs and conversion are available at a glance. Each transaction is captured and the dollar amount of the transaction can be traced back to the originating campaign or search engine keyword.
Internal Search
See what people are searching for when using your site’s own internal search mechanism.
Robot Report
How many times did a particular bot crawl your site within a specific time period? We can gain insights into Robot and Spider behavior with the Robot report.
Funnel Report
We can follow visitors
(and specific groups of visitors who meet criteria you set) down
the paths they take to the checkout page to see which pages are
most effective at turning window shoppers into buyers. The Funnel
Report allows us to view funnel stages, exit/abandonment areas
and additionally, which pages and sections are more influential
to conversion on your website.
A/B & Time Splits
Visitor behavior can be viewed on two different versions of your web site – on one screen. This technique is perect for determining the result of site changes or to determine whether a suggested change has had the desired outcome.
105 Huntsman Court, Summerville SC 29485 • 800.394.3280 • www.aimsearchengineoptimization.com
© Copyright 2007 Ascend Internet Marketing

© Copyright 2007 Ascend Internet Marketing • 105 Huntsman Court, Summerville SC 29485 • 800.394.3280