SEO FAQS :: What is Search Engine Optimization?
What's your destination?
"If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else."
Yogi Berra
Search Engine Optimization and Web Promotion
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a component of web promotion. Also known as organic or organic search engine optimization, it is the process of optimizing a web site for the purpose of achieving high rankings in the various search engines and directories.
Just about anyone seeking information on the Internet uses a search engine like Google or Yahoo. A search is conducted by entering keywords into a box on the search page. The search results appear as a list of links to relevant websites based upon the keywords entered. The higher a web site ranks on the list, the closer it is to the top of the search engine results page (SERP), increasing visibility. The more visible your site is, the more targeted traffic it will receive.
The purpose of search engine optimization is to design and develop a web site that meets the criteria that the search engines seek to give a site a high ranking on their results pages. Successful websites accentuate promotion through search engine optimization methods such as keyword savvy content, strategic tags, search engine placement and link relevance.
How are website rankings determined?
There is no guaranteed method for determining a web site’s rankings on a search engine. A web site’s placement on a search engine results page is determined by that search engine’s algorithms, or formulas. These formulas are a complex set of weighted criteria. Each search engine has its own algorithm for formulating a web site’s rank on a search, which the search engine companies do not share.
search engine optimization strategies improve a website's visibility
using organic or unpaid listings in the SERPs,
rather than incurring the additional cost of paid advertising. However,
websites using paid search engine
marketing strategies, such as paid inclusion or pay
per click (PPC), also
benefit from organic
search engine optimization because sites that are optimized along
with their landing pages and paid ad campaign creation have a higher
higher return on internet investment (ROII) than those that do not.
By focusing on targeted traffic through search engine optimization, a business can increase its website’s visibility towards the type of visitors that have a specific need or interest to be met.
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105 Huntsman Court, Summerville SC 29485 • 800.394.3280 • www.aimsearchengineoptimization.com
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© Copyright 2007 Ascend Internet Marketing • 105 Huntsman Court, Summerville SC 29485 • 800.394.3280